Industry Insight – from Hospitality furniture to Prison Cell
From designing tableware, to large scale office furniture systems. Rock Galpin talks about one of the most challenging projects to date, in a private talk, at Dubai Design Week.
Trees on Skyscrapers

Ironically quite often the higher we live, the more money we pay but the more we sacrifice certain qualities of our environment, whilst arguably attaining others. Our relationship on the one hand with nature, certainly at human scale, can become largely disconnected in our high level flats souring high above the ground and any plant life . Perhaps we still do not fully appreciate the Zen inspiring sense of well being that surrounded by nature can provide. This is perhaps why, with the absence of plant life, block living can be a tenser living experience. Bring on blocks with woods, where the artificial, man made is beautifully balanced in nature and aesthetic with nature itself, the man made and organic ecosystem working in holistic unison.
La Tour des Cedres, or The Cedar Trees Tower bold project proposal by Stefano Boeri certainly is inspiration for thought. A beautiful concept melding the man made and organic, stemming from his first test project in Milan, Bosco Verticale buildings in Milan.
On a practical note I am fascinated to understand how this would work in the long term, the upkeep of tress, watering, the safely issue of falling branches and dead trees and the debris from a thousand tress vertically located, the different faces, North,S,E and W over time generating quite a different growth could also present a few challenges. This is one big test and I’m sure one that can be learnt from, worked through and solved set by step. I’m a fan. Rock Galpin
Living clothing that breathes!
Living clothing
Take a look. The shape of clothing to come.
Ironically skin on skin. A beautiful biomimicking concept which I have no doubt is one of the new level of research projects taking us one step closer to our realisation and appreciation that our natural world holds genius solutions that we can mimic. These secrets have always been there, we have simply just not fully understood them or had the technological means by which to more closely explore them, perhaps now we do. We as humans contain genius solutions, we simply just need to understand at nano scale to progress. Rock Galpin
BOOK NOW! Furniture Design for Beginners course at Central Saint Martins, London. 14th -18th December 2015
Charles and Ray Eames Exhibition at Barbican Art Gallery, Oct 21 – Feb 14
Shoreditch House welcomes director Nelly Ben Hayoun alongside master scientists Super/Collider to discuss how their collective love of space was formed and how it informs each of their works. We’ll screen a trailer of documentary International Space Orchestra before a main presentation of Ben Hayoun’s Armageddon-themed documentary Disaster Playground about what would happen if the planet was struck by an asteroid.